WOD 3/17/20
Limit 10 people per class. Be at class on time and not early. Intent is to limit overlap. Soon as WOD is over clean your equipment and go home and limit social interaction. We do have a large number of First Responders and people who have family that are immune compromised and contact with the elderly for work so let’s try to keep them safe. So be respectful of everyone while observing the things we ask. Remember we are happy to assist you with at home workouts if you want to stay home and train.
5 Rounds
50-Double Unders
10-Chest To Bar Pullups
10-Toes To Bar
10/5-Ring Dips
(100 singles unders per round)
WOD 3/16/20
Fitness and Performance
- Back Squat
3×5@70ish % - 2 person Team
Leapfrog ROUNDS
14 Rounds for Time
7/5-Cal Row
7-Busters 50s/35s
7/5-Cal Row
(Buster=db burpee into squat clean thruster)
1 rower per team. Transition quickly with a monitor reset
WOD 3/13/20
5 Rounds For Time
5-Right Arm DB Snatch 50/35
5-Right Arm OH Reverse Lunge
10/7-Cal Ski Erg
5-Left Arm DB Snatch
5-Left Arm OH Reverse Lunge
10/7-Cal Ski Erg
Spend remaining class time working on a weakness
WOD 3/12/20
- 15-9-6
Thrusters 135/95
Bar Muscle Ups - Accessory Strength
3×6-Seated to max Vertical Jump
3×3-Max Broad Jump
3×10-DB Front Raise/10-Side Lateral/10-Bent Over Fly
(To be performed as one set without putting down the dumbells)
WOD 3/11/20
Fitness and Performance
Partner Leapfrog Movements
25 min AMRAP
10-KB Swings 70/53
10-Cal Row
30-Double Unders (50 singles)
10-Cal Row
10-GHD situps (10-Abmat)
WOD 3/10/20
- 21-15-9
HSPU (Fitness DB S20)
Power Cleans 115/80
Bike calories - Accessory Strength
3 rounds
16-Squat Dead Curl Press KB Complex
20-Floor Glute Bridges
WOD 3/9/20
Fitness and Performance
- Find 1 rep max Clean
Can be squat or power. - For Time
2 person team split work however
90-Wallballs 20/14
60-Toes to Bar
75-DeadLift 165/115
45-Pull ups
60-box jump overs* 24/20
30-Chest to bar pullups
(*Can do step up overs)
WOD 3/5/20
Last day to pay dues and avoid late fee
Fitness and Performance
- 15-12-9-6-3
Hang Squat Clean Thruster 95/65
Bar over burpees(lateral) - Accessory Strength
3×12 barbell curl
3×12 GHD Situps
3×12 medium weight db press seated
WOD 3/4/20
Pay March Dues
Fitness and Performance
- Partner Leapfrog
20 min AMRAP
7/4-Ring dips
14/10-Cal Row
7-Toes Through Rings
(Scale ring dips to ring pushups. If unable to do ring pushups do ring pushups from your knees. Can also scale down to regular pushups)
WOD 3/3/20
- 12 min AMRAP
8/6-Cal Bike
8-Box Jumps 24/20
8-ABMAT Situps - Accessory Strength
3×5 Asgard complex
3×10(5R5L) KB Halo