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WOD 6/8/16

Posted on June 7th, by jonah in Uncategorized. Comments Off on WOD 6/8/16

Fitness WOD
1. 16 min EMOM
A:5-KB Sumo Deadlift High Pulls
(alternate minutes. min 1 do A. min 2 do B and so forth till completed 8 rounds of each)

2. For Time
Strict Shoulder Press
(goal is sub 10 min so scale accordingly)

Performance WOD
1. Build to heavy single Power Clean and Jerk

2. “Diane” (10 min Cap)
Deadlift 225/155
(Goal should be sub 10. so scale accordingly. move quickly through this. there are videos on youtube of people completing this in sub 2 min)
(scale HSPU to pike position on box or if unable to get inverted do strict shoulder press at a challenging weight)

3×10 second-Parallette HSPU negative. rest 2 min between each.
(start at the top of a HSPU on top of the parallettes and try to control your decent for 10 seconds) rest 2 min repeat.

2×60 sec Handstand Hold heels on the wall
2×60 sec Handstand Hold toes and nose on the wall

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