WOD 8/19/16
1. 7 min EMOM
3-KB Sumo Deadlift High Pull
3-Goblet Squats
2. For Time(must complete all reps of each movement before moving on)
60-Chest to bar pull ups
60-Pushups feet on 6″ riser
60-Pistols Alternating (30R.30L)*
(if unable to do pistols RX then scale will 60-Air Squats AND 60-Backwards Lunges Alternating (30R.30L)
*no scaled pistols holding on to something
1. 4x (1-squat snatch + 2-OH Squats)
go up each set. post highest successful load to board
2. For Time (must complete all reps of a movement before moving on)
60-Chest to bar pull ups
60-Pushups feet on 6″ riser**
60-Pistols Alternating (30R.30L)
(if unable to do rx pistols see scale in Fitness)
** chest should be only thing touching the ground on pushups