Category: Uncategorized
WOD 4/19/19
18th April
Fitness and Performance
1. 4 rounds for time
10-stone over shoulder (100/75)
400m run
3-4 sets
20x Barbell curls
20x banded tricep extension
WOD 4/18/19
17th April
Fitness and Performance
1. Strict press
E3MOM x 9:00
65%x 5
75%x 5
85%x until failure (5 reps minimum)
(Reset for each rep. No touch and go)
2. Partner WOD
2 person team
Cal bike
DB box step ups (50/35) 1db (24″/20″)
Push ups
WOD 4/17/19
17th April
Fitness and Performance
1. Deadlift
E3MOM x 9:00
65%x 5
75%x 5
85%x until failure (5 rep minimum)
2. 14min. AMRAP
500m Row
12-Pull ups
21-Box Jumps 24/20
WOD 4/16/19
15th April
Fitness and Performance
1. 16 min. AMRAP
14-burpee over DB (50/35)
12-DB Lunges
10-DB push press
Bonus. 3-4 sets
10x Glute Ham Raises
1:00 Plank
WOD 4/15/19
14th April
Fitness and Performance
1. Back Squat
E3MOM x 9:00
65%x 5
75%x 5
85%x until failure (5 reps minimum)
(I realize it takes some longer or shorter to warm up. as you get to your working set of 65% do your sets every 3 min to finish. rest no longer no less) THE FINAL SET YOU NEED TO GIVE IT YOUR ALL. 5 REPS MINIMUM. THE MORE YOU DO THE BETTER YOUR RESULTS WILL BE FROM THIS CYCLE
2. 3 Rounds For Time
15-cal Ski
10-power cleans(135/95)
15-sit ups
WOD 4/12/19
11th April
Fitness and Performance
1. 10 min emom
1 hang power snatch + 1 ohs starting at 75% of power snatch and adding as needed
(if oh squat is out of the question but can do power snatch just do power snatch + 1 front squat. if power snatch is also out of the question do 5-kb swings+2 goblet squats)
2. 10 min amrap
9-Deadlift 135/95
7-hang power cleans
5-shoulder to oh
5-bar facing burpees
WOD 4/10/19
10th April
Fitness and Performance
1. 10 min emom t2b start with rep you can maintain unbroken all 10 rounds(be smart about the number you choose. every min gets rough after that 4th min
2. Partner wod
20 min amrap
200 m farmers carry buy in 70/53 kbs
Then amrap remaining time
10/8-cals row
6-box step ups 24/20 with one 70/53 kB
WOD 4/10/19
9th April
Fitness and Performance
1. DL 6×2 start at %80-85 build each set
2. 1 mile run for time
3. 15 min to work on skill
WOD 4/9/19
8th April
Fitness and Performance
1. Shoulder press
5×5 at 70% adding as needed
2. 15 minute amrap
15-Wallballs 20/14
WOD 4/8/19
7th April
Still several who need to pay dues plus late fee
Fitness and Performance
1. 1 rep max power clean
2. Barnyard WOD Test
4 rounds for time
25-alt lunges w/ single 50/35
400m run