Category: Uncategorized
WOD 1/31/19
30th January
Remember tomorrow is Feb 1 and time to pay dues please
Fitness and Performance
For Time
9-Thrusters 95/65
1000m Row
1000m Row
WOD 1/30/19
30th January
Fitness and Performance
3 Rounds
3 min
30/21-Cal Bike
Max Rope Climbs in remaining time
Rest 3 min
WOD 1/29/19
29th January
Of course we are open for all classes
Fitness and Performance
2 person team
100-Alternating box jumps 24/20 (put up box)
80-Cal Ski Erg each partner gets a handle
60-Simultaneous abmat situps with pvc held accross chest(put up pvc and abmats)
40’x10-Partner suitcase carry 275/185(down and back 5 times) (put up bar and plates)
WOD 1/28/19
27th January
Fitness and Performance
1. 20 min to find 1 rep max clean and jerk
(if you start to fail on clean or jerk and have time remaining feel free to continue with just clean or jerk)
2. 12 min AMRAP
20-Double Unders
10-Dumbell Bench 50/35
5-Strict Pullups
(strict only on the pullups. use band if needed or do ring rows)
WOD 1/25/19
24th January
Fitness and Performance
Come join us tomorrow to help celebrate Beth Nanney turning 50 years old!
Filthy 50
50 box jumps 24/20
50 jumping pull ups
50 KBS 35/26
50 walking lunge
50 knees to elbow
50 push press 45/35
50 back extensions
50 wall balls 20/14
50 burpees
50 DUs
WOD 1/24/19
23rd January
Fitness and Performance
Nobody panic because we have lots of scaling options to fit any level.
Ring Muscle up
Squat Snatch 135/95
Scale options for MU
1. Scale number…ex 4,3,2 or 5,3,1 depending on your efficiency
2. Muscle up transitions with band:9,7,5
3. 9 pullups+ 9 dips (or pushups), 7 pull up….etc
4. 9 ring row+9 push ups…etc
WOD 1/23/19
22nd January
Fitness and Performance
75/50 cal bike
150 DU
2000m row
150 DU
75/50 cal bike
WOD 1/22/19
21st January
Fitness and Performance
For time
100′ HS walk (dbdb rig to garage door)
400m ski
400m run
75′ HS walk (down/back/down)
300m ski
300m run
50′ HS walk (down/back)
200m ski
200m run
25′ HS walk (down)
100m ski
100m run
Scale options for hs walk:
Scale distance
Scale to shoulder taps (50,40,30,20)
Wall walks: 8,6,4,2
Alt db press: 40, 30,20, 10 (total)
WOD 1/21/19
20th January
Fitness and Performance
20 min AMRAP
Partner leap frog movements
15/12 cal row
15 db hang clean 50/35
12 db front squats
WOD 1/18/19
17th January
Fitness and Performance
1. 6 rounds for Time
10-Toes to Bar
5-*Clean and Jerk 135/95
(Fitness can do Plate Ground to overhead for the C&J. Anyone needing to rest lats and grip because they are coming on Saturday to 1 of the 2 Hero WODs for SGT Carter they can substitute Vups for the Toes to Bar)
2. 500m Row at Medium pace. Rest up to but no longer than 4 min and do Max Effort 500m Row