Category: Uncategorized
WOD 2/17/20
16th February
Fitness and Performance
12 min EMOM
2-Cleans(squat or power) build to heavy double3 rounds
400m run
20-Toes to Bar
10-OH Squat 95/65
WOD 2/14/20
13th February
Happy Valentine’s Brutes
Fitness and Performance
Partner with 1 working at a time
For time
1. 60-Cal (your choice)
8-Rope Climbs(sc 3/1 beginner RC)
50-Cal (your choice)
6-Rope Climbs
40-Cal (your choice)
4-Rope Climbs
(You can use bike ski row and can use a different thing each time or same for all 3. Goal is just fastest time)
2. Acssesory Strength
3x 10 GHD situps
3x 5-10 strict pullups(use band if needed)
3x 3-8 strict HSPU or Seated Dumbell Press
WOD 2/13/20
12th February
10 min E2MOM
2-Split Jerk5 rounds
12/9-Cal Bike
12-Power Snatch 75/55
12-Wallballs 20/14
WOD 2/12/20
11th February
Fitness and Performance
20 min AMRAP
30-Double Unders(50 singles)
20-Abmat Situps
10-KB Swings 53/35
5-Strict toes to Bar
WOD 2/11/20
10th February
Fitness and Performance
1. For Time:
Bar muscle ups
Thruster 135/95
Chest to bar pullup
Thruster 115/80
Thruster 95/65
(Fitness or anyone needing to scale. Start with hardest pullup movement you can do then go down from there. Ex1: banded bar mu. Chest to bar. Pullup. Ex2: chest to bar pullup. Pullup ring row. Ex3. Banded chest to bar pullup. Banded pullup. Ring row)
2. Acssesory Strength
3 rounds
10-Dumbell OH Extension
10-Dumbell bent over flies
10-Dumbell Front Raises
WOD 2/10/20
9th February
Still some who have yet to pay dues. Please get that taken care of
Fitness and Performance
12 min E2MOM
4-Front Squat. Go up each setFor Time
1000m Row
3 rounds
10-Alt Dumbell Snatch 50/35
10-Burpee Box jumps 24/20
500m Row
WOD 2/7/20
6th February
Clean complex
5 sets to build to heavy
1-Deadlift+2-Hang Clean+3-Front Squat3 rounds
800m Run.
20-GHD Situps(25-ABMAT situps)
WOD 2/6/20
5th February
Bring dues. Add 5 dollar late fee
18 min AMRAP
10-Shoulder to overhead(pick weight)
20/15-Cal Row
30-Air squats
WOD 2/5/20
4th February
Last day to pay dues and avoid late fee.
Cal BikeAccessory Strength
3x 10 Barbell shrugs heavy!
3x 10 Plate oh tricep ext
3x Max Effort Bar dips(can use band)
WOD 2/4/20
3rd February
Pay Feb Dues
Clean complex
5 sets to build to heavy
3-Deadlift+2-Hang Clean+1-Front Squat5 rounds
50m Walking Lunges
12-db bench press 50/35
200 Run