Category: Uncategorized
WOD 10/1/18
30th September
Fitness and Performance
2 Person Team
400m Walking Lunge(swap every 10 lunges)
100-Toes to bar(split as needed)
100/70-Cal Bike(split as needed)
100-KB Swings 53/35(split as needed)
(if doing a mixed team 85 cals. 50/35)
WOD 9/27/18
26th September
Fitness and Performance
1) work to max (strict press+push press) when you fail, work to max (push press+push jerk). [2 scores]
2) For Time
30 T2B
30 ring pushups
30 pullups
30 OHS 115/75
(3 scores total for Thursday)
WOD 9/26/18
25th September
Fitness and Performance
1. For Time
10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 burpees*
*10 cal. anything between rounds.
2. 3 sets of 1 min. max russian twist. 1 min. rest between rounds.
WOD 9/25/18
24th September
Fitness and Performance
For Time
800m run
21 c&j. 135/95
600m run
15 c&j 155/105
400m run
9 c&j 185/125
WOD 9/24/18
23rd September
Fitness and Performance
1. Back squat
7×1 at 80% with 1 sec pause in bottom
(warm up to 80% of your last known max and do 7×1 with 1 sec pause at bottom)
2. 12 min amrap
20/15 cal bike
12 GHD
8 db box step overs 50/35 each hand
(scale the box step ups to a weight where 8 reps is very doable)
WOD 9/21/18
20th September
Fitness and Performance
6 rounds
13-Deadlift 255/165
42-Double Unders
2-Rope Climbs
1-Muscle Up(5-pullups+5-ring dips)
(So the numbers break out
6rds- number of Bronze Stars
13- deadlifts number of deployments he did
42 DU- was his age
2 rope climbs were he valor awards
1 MU is for his Purple Heart)
(this is done at request of my friends who were stationed under him in Afghanistan)
WOD 9/20/18
19th September
Fitness and Performance
1. Build to Heavy Single Power Snatch
2. For Time
Slamballs 50/30
Abmat Situps
(should have plenty of time for multiple heats of this with counters)
WOD 9/19/18
18th September
Fitness and Performance
1. 4 rounds
400m Run
25-Unbroken Wallballs 20/14
(if you break/drop/stop moving you start over with lighter ball all the way down to air squats if needed)
2. 5 Rounds for Quality
15/10-cal bike with hip circle band(use the elastic bands in the buckets by door. should be put just above knees. tighten it or wear 2 if needed)
12-Single leg good morning w/barbell(alt leg)
30-KB Oblique Crunches
WOD 9/18/18
17th September
Fitness and Performance
1A. Push Press
working sets 5-3-1-1-1
1B. Max Set of Strict pullups up to 10 reps between each working set of PP. Banded Strict or Feet Elevated ring rows for Scale.
2. 10 min AMRAP
6-Toes to bar
6-Right Arm Kneeling Strict Press 50/35
6-Left Arm Kneeling strict press 50/35
50m Run w/dumbell
WOD 9/17/18
16th September
Fitness and Performance
1. Tempo Back squat
5×3 3/1/1(3 seconds down. 1 second pause. Fast out of the bottom)
2. 30 min E10MON
50-Double Unders
40/30-Cal (you pick)
30-Air Squats
20-Situps(can do GHD)
10-Box Jump Overs
(score is time it takes each time)
(start at 0:00. 10:00. 20:00)
(to be clear you pick what you want to do the calories on. 40 for guys. 30 for ladies. whichever you pick you use for all 3. so start on bike use bike all 3. no mix match. I want to see how much you drop off or maintain which wont be accurate if you change)