Category: Uncategorized
WOD 8/24/18
23rd August
Fitness and Performance
1. Split Jerk
5×1 heavy single(can use rack)
2. For Time 21-15-9
Deadlift 135/95
S2O 135/95
WOD 8/23/18
22nd August
Fitness and Performance
1. 5 Rounds
2 min to:
200m Run
MAX Burpees
Rest 3 Min
2. For Time
100 Abmat Situps
100m Right Arm Farmer Carry(heavy as possible)
100m Left Arm Farmer Carry(heavy as possible)
WOD 8/22/18
21st August
Fitness and Performance
1. 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1
Cal Assault Bike
Wallballs 30/20
Medball Burpee Deadlift
2. 4 rounds
16-Alt 1 leg Good Morning
12-Kneeling Kb bottom up press(R-arm)
12-Kneeling KB Bottom up press(L-arm)
WOD 8/21/18
20th August
Fitness and Performance
2 person Team
4 Rounds
D&B Sled Push 135*/90*
50-KB Swings 70/53(equal)
100-Double Unders(equal)
*(weight may be increased after initial testing at 530a.m. before WOD starts)
(teams can reduce load on sled and weight on kb. can do a mix rx team by 1 partner pushing sled and other partner carrying some of the weight that’s on it)
WOD 8/20/18
19th August
1. Back Squat
5×2 pause squat
2. 10 min AMRAP
10-Russian KB Swings(hap)
10-Toes to Bar
1. Back Squat
5×2 pause squat
2. 10 min AMRAP
5-Power Clean 205/135
10-Toes to Bar
WOD 8/17/18
16th August
1. Front Squat
Build to heavy single
2. For Time:
5-Front squat 70% above
4-Front Squat 75% above
30 DUs
3-Front Squat 80% above
2-Front Squat 85% above
(base % off of heavy single from part 1)
1. OH Squat
Build to heavy single
2. For Time:
5-Squat snatches 135/95
4-Squat snatches 145/100
30 DUs
3-Squat snatches 155/105
2-Squat snatches 165/115
WOD 8/16/18
15th August
1. 18 min AMRAP
200m RUN
10/7-C2B pullups
10/7-Ring Dips
15-Wallball 20/14
(if unable to do ring dips scale as needed)
1. 18 min AMRAP
200m RUN
5/3-Ring MU
15-Wallball 20/14
2. Core
3×8 GHR
50 weighted situps
WOD 8/15/18
14th August
Fitness and Performance
3 person team
6 rounds:
1 yoke carrry 300/210
12-dball over yoke 100/75
15-KB DL dual88/dual70
(yoke carry down and back can be split up as needed. reps split equal)
(scaling options. reduce load on yoke. reduce load on dball over yoke. reduce weight on KB Deadlift. if empty yoke is too heave for a team a loaded barbell with a lesser weight can be used.
WOD 8/14/18
13th August
1. Build to heavy
2. Brute Death Race
5 Rounds for time
15/10-Cal Assault bike
15/10-Bench Press 115/75
1. Build to heavy complex:
PC+ Front squat+ push jerk
2. Brute Death Race
5 Rounds for time
15/10-Cal Assault bike
15/10-Bench Press 115/75
WOD 8/13/18
12th August
Fitness and Performance
4 min AMRAP
21/15-Calorie Row
21-Chest to Bar Pull-ups
rest 4 minutes
4 min AMRAP
15/9-Calorie Row
15-Toes to Bar
rest 4 minutes
4 min AMRAP
9/6-Calorie Row
(3 separate scores. score as total reps each AMRAP)