WOD 10/20/16
Pistol Skill Work
1. Pistol with band assist
2. Rolling Pistol
3. Plate Hold Pistol
if you are proficient at pistols
1. KB weighted Pistols
2. OH Bar pistols
12 min AMRAP
100m Run
10-1 Arm KB Swing(5r.5l)
10-Pistols (5r.5l)
Pistol Skill Work
1. Pistol with band assist
2. Rolling Pistol
3. Plate Hold Pistol
if you are proficient at pistols
1. KB weighted Pistols
2. OH Bar pistols
12 min AMRAP
100m Run
10-KB Snatch (5r.5l) 53/35
10-Pistols (5r.5l)