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WOD 10/8/15

Posted on October 7th, by jonah in Uncategorized. Comments Off on WOD 10/8/15

1. Partner WOD 2 person teams
25 min AMRAP
(Buy in of 400m pinch grip* farmers carry. 25s/15s. One partner starts out carrying the plates with a pinch grip. Every time you drop or swap you must both perform 10 burpees**.)
With remaining time AMRAP:
100-Double Unders(Equal Split)
100-Bench Press 135/85 (equal split)
100-Box Jumps 24/20 (equal split)
150-Cal Row (equal split)

*pinch grip means open palm wrapped over the top of the plate and squeeze. Not fingers curled under lip of the plate. Not fingers through the hole in the plate

**for the burpee penalty they can be performed at the spot of the drop/swap or you can keep a running total and perform them once back onside the gym but they have to be completed before beginning AMRAP. No cheating

2. Establish a max distance handstand walk(sc max time handstand hold with wall support)

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