WOD 12/28/15
Fitness WOD
1. 15 min EMOM
A. 5-KB Sumo Deadlift high pulls
B. 5-Russian KB Swings
C. 5-Goblet Squats
2. 15 min AMRAP
100m run
6-Dumbell Press
Performance WOD
1. (1-Power Snatch
1-SG Push Press
1-OH Squat)
5 sets @70%1RM snatch
2. 15 min AMRAP
100m run
3-Strict HSPU*
1-Rope Climb**
*(scale to kipping or abmat or 1 wall climb)
**(scale to 3 beginner rope climbs and then after wod for however many rounds you completed do that many sets of 3 reps of hanging knee raises from the rope. Ex..5 rounds is 5×3 rope hanging knee raises)