WOD 1/8/16
Fitness WOD
1. Warm up to 75% deadlift
Warm up to 70% front squat
(You will need 2 bars for this wod and can use the rack for front squat)
2. 3 Rounds For Time
5-Deadlift 75% 1rm
6-Chest to bar pullups
7-Front Squat 70% 1rm
8-Dumbell Shoulder Press
Performance WOD
1. Warm up to 80% 1RM squat Clean
Warm up to 90% 1 RM deadlift
(You will need 2 bars for this WOD)
2. 3 rounds
1-Deadlift 90%1RM
2-Muscle Ups*
3-Squat Cleans 80%1rm
*mu scale is 8-chest to bar pullups per round
**hspu scale is 1 wall
3. 3xME Ring Dips