WOD 3/3/15
1. 10 min EMOM
Alternate Min
A: 5-Deadlift 80%
B: 5-10 HSPU
(Base HSPU on what you can consistently complete. Scale will be 2 wallclimbs for part B. For those doing wall climbs a wall climb starts on the floor in the bottom of a pushup. Walk backwards up the wall until the chest touches the wall. That is halfway. Then you must walk back down the wall until back to the bottom of a pushup. Going up and then falling off the wall is a no rep. Using 2 reps as the scale is based on you doing the full range reps.)
2. 6 min AMRAP
5-Chest to Bar Pullups
5-Thrusters 115/75
3. 100 situps