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WOD 7/27/16

Posted on July 26th, by jonah in Uncategorized. Comments Off on WOD 7/27/16


20 min AMRAP
3-Wall Climbs
10-Toes to Bar(sc hang knee raises)
15-Medball Clean(sc Slamballs)

20 min AMRAP
5-Parrallet HSPU*
10-Toes through Rings
15-Medball Clean 20/14
*(For this workout RX will be Parrallets with two 45s and and abmat stacked in the middle. Head must touch Abmat)

1. GH Raise 3×10
2. Reverse Hyper 3×10
3. Double Unders 2xME (continue till you reach 100 double unders if you havent surpassed that in 2 sets)

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